One of the most frequent concerns about best NY traffic ticket lawyer and moving violations in Nassau County is... 'Do I absolutely need to hire an attorney when I get caught speeding a few other moving violation'? No, you sure don't, but when you want to make sure your insurance costs stay down and you do not want to run the chance to getting nearer to a license suspension, you must read this.

The regulations in New York State Traffic and Nassau County have become increasingly tight over the past few years. Traffic violations are issued on a level basis. Factors are the number one of aspect that insurance companies will have a look at to increase your rates or in the worse case scenario, the New York Department of Motor Vehicles will suspend your drivers license.

Here's a story about a you may want an attorney to combat a traffic ticket.

There's a law abiding person who happened obtained a ticket and she needed to know what her options were. This person received a speeding ticket and since she was a very busy working single mother of two kids with a tight time schedule. She naively, she only shipped money in for the speeding ticket. Her insurance instantly shot up and her insurance company informed her this was due to the increase resulting from her admission of guilt to the speeding breach (happened to be over a certain miles per hour which gave her a large amount of details, though she was moving with the traffic on the Southern State Parkway). Before this time, she'd an exceptional driving history. Now could be she determined to go to traffic court with a lawyer (actually in many cases, the attorney may appear for you, helping you avoid the pain-in the ass method of going to traffic court), the lawyer knows that there are possibilities that the courts are willing to considers including lower details, pleading to a lessor offense (i.e. following to closely) or other ways of reducing the influence of the speeding ticket.

Demonstrably, the New York Department of Cars did not suspend her license, however, when you get a best traffic lawyer in NYC or other going violation, not only do you have to be troubled with your insurance rates increasing, but the more factors you get, the closer you'll get to a suspended license.

How a Lawyer May Have Helped Her Save Her Premiums and from getting nearer to a suspended license

If this person with the speeding ticket went to traffic courtroom with a lawyer, or better yet, lawyer appeared for her while she was at work or with her kids, or at the gymnasium, and negotiated the ticket with the prosecutor or judge, District Attorney's office will consider lowering the mph violation or perhaps just cited her for a non-moving violation that would not influence her insurance premium. Because she didn't have enough time, she did not know there were many choices available to her like just hiring an attorney. Best part is the fact that she could of looked after this without ever have going to court. Maybe you have been to Nassau County traffic court? Without an attorney, it's a long careful process.

Oh and incidentally, this is NOT for rich people. I who watch every penny and people such as you are able to afford to hire an attorney. You should be certain to find one who happens to handle traffic circumstances on a regular basis.


The most typical type of moving violation is speeding. It is important to know how to combat such a ticket, because a New York motorist may get 3 to 11 items for committing such an infraction. This information is very useful in the Traffic Violations Bureau since this venue doesn't allow for any kind of deal-making of plea bargaining. This informative article will provide a simple structure to enable you to fight a NY speeding ticket in the Traffic Violations Bureau.

Step one is to estimate how many factors may take place with the New York State speeding ticket you've been given.

The following chart will allow you to figure this out:

1 - 10 mph over speed limit - 3 points

11 - 20 mph over speed limit - 4 points

21 - 30 mph over speed limit - 6 points

31 - 40 mph over speed limit (probable suspension) - 8 points

More than 40 mph over speed limit (possible suspension) - 11 details

Things are calculated from the date of crime (even though you are convicted years later). So when putting the possible factors for a newly issued speeding ticket. you must return back 18 months from the date of the new best traffic lawyer in NY and determine how many other factors you've on your record. Also, three speeding beliefs within 18 months will result in an automated cancellation in your driving privileges for 6 months.

The next step is to decide whether your case is returnable at a Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) court or not. There are two, completely different traffic court programs in New York State and, therefore, this determination is essential for you to determine what you can and can not do.. Then usually you can handle the case by a plea deal, if you are not within the TVB.

The TVB courts protect any New York traffic ticket given in New York City (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx and Staten Island), western Suffolk, Buffalo and Rochester. A New York speeding ticket issued in some other place within New York State will not be a TVB court.

The reason this is an essential inquiry is the fact that TVB courts broadly speaking don't allow any kind of deal-making or plea-bargaining. Rather, you must either plead guilty or not guilty and, you are given a hearing where you will either win or lose, if you plead not guilty. In this 'all or nothing' court, it certainly pays to retain a Nyc traffic lawyer to fight your case. That is, a New York traffic attorney who is knowledgeable and skilled in preventing speeding tickets at the TVB. Putting aside the emotions involved with preventing your own case, most individuals do not know how to listen watchfully or cross-examine. Instead, they fundamentally disregard the officer's account, fail to ask any questions and, alternatively, just tell the judge their account. This strategy is not recommended and is obviously not successful.

Should you choose battle your own TVB speeding ticket, listen vigilantly to the officer's account and even just take notes. Then point this out to the judge after the officer sets, when the officer omits critical testimony (ex., date, time, spot, route, your ID data). Similarly, if the officer gives testimony which will be inconsistent with his other testimony or the information on the ticket, then likewise point this out to the judge.

For example, I once was preventing a NYC speeding ticket if the officer claimed the motorist was proceeding east bound on the Long Island Expressway. The ticket, nevertheless, suggested W/B (i.e., west bound). I showed the ticket to the judge who promptly dismissed the case, after the official relaxed.

Even without an omission or inconsistency, you should still ask careful questions of the officer. For instance, if your defense is the fact that the officer pulled over the wrong car, then ask him where was he when he first saw your car, did he have to pass another cars to apprehend your car, and how long did it get him or apprehend you. These kinds of questions build on your defense.

Also, ask to the start to see the officer's notes. Read them and determine whether his notes are consistent with his account. Any discrepancy ought to be identified to the judge. Also, don't be afraid to ask the official to decipher illegible parts of his notes.

After your cross examination of the specialist, it is time for you to offer your defense. Speak demonstrably and slowly. Hand up any data supporting your defense for example photos, witness statements or blueprints. Keep in mind that the judge learns many, many such cases and, therefore, you ought not be repetitive or rambling about irrelevant information.

More details are available on this article.

One last tip. Preceding to preventing your case, watch the judge and how he handles other circumstances. Does he listen and just take notes? Does he appear eager or diverted? If you are concerned about whether you'll get a fair hearing, ask for a new date. It's impossible that you will get the same TVB judge on the next assigned date.

I am hoping this short article has been helpful in finding you prepared to battle your own best traffic lawyer in NY when returnable at the TVB.


It finally occurred. You were a little late to a meeting in Bellevue, traffic was heavy, and you did not think anybody would recognize. So you cranked up the speedometer a tiny bit and started making your way to that meeting. Until you noticed the flashing lights in your rear view mirror. Now you have got a cheap NY traffic lawyer. You don't want to pay it if you do not have to, and you heard that the best way to beat a speeding ticket is to contest it. So that you did. But you have to determine whether or not to subpoena the officer, and you are not certain what to do.

Contesting a speeding ticket is not a difficult task. Whipping a speeding ticket sometimes is, but if you've the right information it's a possibility. And subpoenaing the official is a big decision in a traffic ticket case. In place, like Seattle in the example above, if you decide maybe not to subpoena the police officer, the report is normally entered into evidence by the prosecution. This means the court only will examine the officers report (which can be signed under oath) and make a decision based on any proof and that you present to the court.

But when should you subpoena the officer and when should not you? Let us speak about when you should not subpoena the officer first. If you look at your ticket, or the officer's ticket, which will have his published report on it (you should always ask for this information - the prosecutor has an obligation to give it to you if you ask) and you can clearly see that anything is wrong that will permit you to beat the traffic ticket, don't subpoena the officer so they have an opportunity to correct it.

For example, in my Bellevue traffic ticket example above. Let's say the authorities officer, for whatever purpose, writes down the highway in his report. Let us say you were crossing the I-90 bridge from Seattle to Bellevue and he believed you were on 520, so he wrote that down. You'd not want to subpoena the officer to come in and correct that declaration on his report. You would just want to point out to the judge that contrary to the officer's report you were on the I-90 bridge and could not happen to be on 520 as recommended (in a way this is similar to an alibi). If you've a friend that was with you they may come and testify to that at the same time. In that case planning against the ticket and not the officer is way better because the testimony (the speeding ticket) conflicts with the specific facts. The prosecutor wouldn't be able to prove by a variety of the evidence that you're speeding on 520 since the ticket suggests.

You should subpoena the official, nevertheless, when you need to point out all the issues he forgot to mention on his ticket. As an example, let us say you were driving in really heavy traffic, you know that from where the officer came from that he'd have probably had to shoot his laser or radar through several cars, and that there were other possible interfering factors present that day. You'd want to call the officer to the stand to ask him about this, get him to explain that it's possible that he shot another car and not yours, and that maybe you were not speeding. If you do call the officer to the stand, but, remember not to decide to try to ruin his credibility by calling him a liar - that tactic only won't work.

More information is found on this page.

If you get a traffic ticket lawyer in NYC and face the decision of whether to subpoena law enforcement officer or not, take a minute to think about why you'd or would not want him or her there, and proceed from there. And if you need a little advice in advance, it usually helps to contact the pros - traffic lawyers - who can help point you in the right direction.


The majority of us have wondered at some time or another how a lawyer could be able to defeat a traffic ticket for you. Think about it, you were speeding and you got caught simple and plain. How could they have the ability to tell the court otherwise? The traffic ticket lawyer in NYC means of doing this are actually not all that complicated, but you will surely want one before attempting to beat any ticket.

The trick in how lawyers do this is in the amount of information they have for beating the ticket. In some cases they might find errors, in others they might make it seem like they've enough to beat the ticket and discourage the prosecutor from pursuing and in some cases they might only require a pass.

A story I've heard many times is of those getting a speeding ticket and the lawyer considering the best thing to do would be to ask for the charge to be reduced to a non-moving violation. This gives something to the judge to charge you with whilst not effecting your insurance.

In some cases people have the speeding ticket on top of a DUI charge. Those two violations are usually taken care of during separate court hearings. If you're really fortunate the DUI hearing is likely to be over with before you ever appear for your violation.

If this is actually the case, the lawyer can speak with the prosecutor ahead of the reading begins and let them know the DUI has been handled already. Chances are they can ask what could possibly be done to get the breach paid off for you so that you can move on. Usually both lawyers will be able to come to some type of agreement on this matter.

This doesn't happen every single time and in some cases your lawyer could have to threaten going to trial to get such a thing done. On the choice If they have won similar cases in the past it can weight seriously. That is why having a lawyer is important in these situations if you'd like to turn out on top.

More details can be found here.

Your lawyer may have the experience and knowledge to spot any problems with the case and form a strategy around that. This is not saying you'd not find a way to do-it all yourself, but the best effects come from having a lawyer, like one from the cheap NY traffic lawyer, on your part to ensure that every possible option you could simply take are evaluated proficiently.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    August 2013

